General News

E-book Pilot Project Highlights May 14 Board of Directors Meeting

At its May 14 meeting in Dallas, the Amigos Board of Directors approved a recommendation from management to conduct a pilot project in FY2014. The project will focus on development of an e-book distribution platform for libraries, allowing them to obtain purchased, or “perpetual access,” e-books as well as leased e-books. Amigos has submitted a grant proposal to the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to provide funding assistance for the project.

Amigos Offers Custom Cataloging Service

Do you have 12 theses sitting on a back shelf waiting for original cataloging? How about that donation of genealogy titles? Is there a backlog of maps that would be a great addition to your collection?

Your hidden collections are unique in value, both locally to the community you serve and globally to library patrons around the world. Let Amigos help with those backlogs, special projects, and collections with cataloging needs that cannot be met by current staffing or expertise levels.
