Amigos Members Tuning in to Naxos Online Music Library

Naxos Music Library (NML) has developed quite a loyal and enthusiastic following among Amigos member libraries. More than 50 libraries currently subscribe to the streaming audio resource that features over one million tracks from 450 prestigious record labels. Prominent labels in the Naxos catalog include EMI Classics, Virgin Classics, BIS, Chandos, Delos, Haenssler Classics, Hungaroton, Nettwerk Music Group, PentaTone, Sun Records, along with many others.

"I think you'd be hard pressed to find an Amigos member that subscribes to NML who wouldn't make a good spokesperson for our product," said Nick D'Angiolillo, Manager, Naxos Online Libraries. Susan Johns-Smith, Pittsburg State (KS) University Library Services, counts her library one of those. "Naxos brings the orchestra to the classroom, the performance to the iPad," she said. "Our music students and faculty use the biographical notes, discographies, and composer information along with all the many labels of jazz and classical music recordings. It's all good, and we love it!"

Bruce D. Hall, Music Librarian, Newton Gresham Library, Sam Houston State University, Huntsvile, TX, adds, "The Naxos Online Music Library gives you more bang for your buck. Since Naxos is a major record label and a leading distributor of CD labels, all of these discs are in the Naxos Music Library. Searching capabilities and the interface of Naxos Music Library are user friendly and easy to use."

Rae DeShong, Reference & Instructional Librarian, Richland College Library, Dallas, works with professors to set up music playlists for their students. She noted that Richland humanities professor Lois Parrott likes to use Naxos Music Library because it has every type of music that students need to be well rounded.

"Professor Parrot has been using Naxos since 2009 to create playlists to accompany her humanities music unit, which includes major works from Palestrina to Gershwin," said DeShong. "This playlist serves as a one-stop Internet resource for students, who have guaranteed access to the music without having to make additional purchases or do time-consuming web searches."

DeShong said that Naxos allows professors, librarians, and students to build playlists that can be shared within the subscribing institution. "Naxos-generated playlists can also be built around genres, composers, and instruments," she said. "For example, you can listen to an online CD explaining Mozart's Don Giovanni or listen to an assortment of piano duets."

With more than 65,000 albums of music and powerful tools for music education and research, NML continues to set the industry standard in streaming classical music. NML is available for institutional and professional subscriptions and is currently being enjoyed by over 1,300 universities, performing arts organizations, and public libraries in the United States and Canada.

For complete information on the Naxos Music Library service and the discounted pricing available to Amigos Members, contact Amigos Member Discount Services Representative Liz Wardlaw at 800-843-8482, ext. 2802, or
