articles for AmigosNow related to CES

Earn Your Micro-Credential with Amigos This Summer!

Micro-credentials let library staff follow a non-traditional learning path to gain skill sets in a specific technical area. Courses take place over multiple weeks and focus on the acquisition of a defined skillset and demonstrated mastery through the completion of various modules, self-paced assignments, and a capstone project due within three months of the final session.

Earn Your Micro-Credential with Amigos!

Amigos has opened registration for the sessions that make up the Metadata Principles and Practices Micro-Credentialing Series and the Metadata Management Tools Micro-Credentialing Series. To complete a micro-credential series and earn a certificate, attendees must complete specified courses and a capstone project.

Create better Online Tutorials in this brand new course

Videos and online tutorials are where many people turn to quickly learn and develop new skills. As libraries develop their own online tutorials and videos, they can become important information literacy tools.

Toward Trans-Inclusive Librarianship

All libraries can provide a trans-inclusive respite for transgender community members and their own staff. Move toward a trans-inclusive environment for patrons and staff by learning to create and maintain safe and welcoming spaces, collections, and programs.

Introduction to Health Literacy for Libraries

Health literacy is obtaining, processing, and understanding basic health information and services. The National Assessment of Adult Literacy indicates that only 12% of Americans have the necessary health literacy skills to meet their needs, including locating health services, understanding drug labels, and following treatment instructions.