Management & Leadership topic of courses

Know & Go: Bedbugs in the Library

Bedbugs remain a constant concern for libraries and other public spaces – and more and more it seems like a question of when, not if. Learn how bedbugs affect library facilities and collections today. Equip library staff and facilities managers with the training and strategies necessary to protect their library collections, patrons, and staff from the disruptions posed by bedbug infestations.

Know & Go: Donation and Gift Policy Best Practices for Libraries

Gifts and donations to libraries require careful development and consideration. And the terms for acceptance, retention, and use of gifts and donations should be well-documented and communicated. Explore best practices in gift and donation policies for libraries and discover new ways to make the best case for effective donation- and gift-making to your library.

Serving the Neurodiverse Library User

Neurodiversity recognizes that people experience and interact with the world in many ways. While there are many dimensions to neurodiversity, it is often used in the context of the autism spectrum as well as other neurological or developmental conditions. By developing a better understanding of neurodiversity, library staff can create more inclusive library environments through interactions, spaces, services, and programs that welcome and respect neurodiverse patrons.

Know & Go: Trend Scanning for Libraries

Many libraries wade into trend scanning occasionally – for strategic planning or to help inform a new program, service, or target audience. But a regular program of trend scanning can prove a manageable and beneficial practice across the organization. Borrowing from futures and foresight practices, library staff can adapt a "scan, clip, and review" process to identify new pieces of information. With simple set-up strategies and a clear sense of what to look for, scanning provides a quick path to analyze and socialize new ideas and anticipate changes in our communities.

Know & Go: Trends and Changes for the Future of Libraries

Thinking about the future is not about prediction. It is about seeing the changes and trends in our world – across society, technology, education, economics, politics, and the environment – and finding opportunities for learning and actions that can help us move forward. This overview will share a bit about future thinking before diving into some recent (and continuing) trends and their possible implications for libraries.

Know & Go: Planned Abandonment & Libraries

An exciting aspect of librarianship is embracing technology and creating innovative services. With increasing demands on staff time and changes in the workplace, letting go of legacy services can play a vital role in the allocation of resources toward new projects. This session examines the role of planned abandonment - a strategy for organizational change intended to normalize the sunsetting of existing services to make room for new projects, programs, and services.

Toward Trans-Inclusive Librarianship

All libraries can provide a trans-inclusive respite for transgender community members and their own staff. Move toward a trans-inclusive environment for patrons and staff by learning to create and maintain safe and welcoming spaces, collections, and programs. Develop a feeling for helpful inclusive language and gain confidence with practical tips that can be applied to sometimes difficult real-world scenarios.