Beyond Accessibility Basics

For libraries already on their accessibility journey, identifying that next step can be difficult. Any library can become a more welcoming and functional space for all users by revising existing content to meet Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) standards and empowering staff to develop quality content. Learn best practices for creating and maintaining a usable web presence and identify ways to design materials for a wide variety of users. Session content builds on a foundation of accessibility knowledge and is intended primarily for content creators.
Learning objectives for this session may include:
  • Learn the core components of WCAG and how they apply to Section 508 of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
  • Understand how to use WCAG standards to modify an online library presence
  • Formulate design best practices to apply to future materials creation
Session Duration
This course consists of one 2-hour session.
Contact Hours


Naomi Gonzales portraitNaomi Gonzales is the Library Services Trainer & MOLIB2GO Coordinator at Amigos. She has over ten years of library experience in academic and medical libraries, and most recently served as a federal contractor in support of The National Library of Medicine’s MedlinePlus consumer health website. Her professional interests include web accessibility, usability, and community outreach. In her personal life, Naomi enjoys befriending stray cats, volunteering at her local farmer’s market, and playing cozy video games.