Amigos Library Services understands that providing our membership with the most current and accurate news and information is a necessity in a constantly evolving industry. We are committed to providing this information to our members through numerous communication channels such as Amigos publications, newsletters, news feeds, and email correspondence.
View our newsletters page to explore our latest newsletters and/or subscribe to them.
Upcoming NISO Webinars
NISO is offering a free informational webinar on their newly published Communication of Retractions, Removals, and Expressions of Concern (CREC) Recommended Practice. And in August, their monthly webinar series returns after a brief hiatus with roundtable discussions on building and managing collaborative collections. Amigos members receive free membership to the NISO Library Standards Alliance which includes access to NISO's educational webinar program, unlimited participation in NISO Working Groups/Standing Committees, and discounted registration for all non-webinar events.
ALA Annual 2024 Conference Takeaways from Amigos Staff
Several Amigos staff attended this year's ALA conference in San Diego, California. Below, two of them share their notable conference activities, takeaways, and insights.
Call for Proposals open for October Conference "Examining the Library User Experience"
In a service-minded profession like libraries, it is easy to fall into the habit of meeting a user's immediate need without thinking twice. But how often do librarians and library staff consider the entire experience of the user from start to finish? Is there a way to meet or improve the experience of users from the moment their interaction with the library begins?
Submit Your "Examining the Library User Experience" Proposal by August 21st
In a service-minded profession like libraries, it is easy to fall into the habit of meeting a user's immediate need without thinking twice. But how often do librarians and library staff consider the entire experience of the user from start to finish? Is there a way to meet or improve the experience of users from the moment their interaction with the library begins?
Second Opportunity for Public Comment on Proposed Revisions to IPEDS Information Collection
A notice by the Education Department published on May 24, 2024, announced plans to proceed with proposed changes to the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), including plans to cease collecting data on Acad
2024 Nexis Uni Upgrade Updates
Amigos vendor partner, LexisNexis recently announced an upgrade to Nexis Uni and its Early Access Period for librarians so they can become familiar with the changes and provide feedback. With the successful Early Access Period currently underway, the full upgrade is planned to occur during the Summer of 2024, with the new Nexis Uni experience becoming the permanent interface for all users thereafter. As the time for the full upgrade nears, subscribers should be on the lookout for regular communications from LexisNexis.
NISO’s Draft Revision of the Journal Article Version (JAV) Recommended Practice Now Open for Public Comment
The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) recently announced its draft revision of the Journal Article Version (JAV) Recommended Practice as open for public comment through July 7, 2024, at the project web page.
Amigos Association Management Services Launches New Learn & Share Series
On Wednesday, May 22nd, the Amigos Association Management Department (AMS) debuted its Library Association Leaders Learn & Share series, with the first session, “The Future is Now: Association Succession Planning,” moderated by Missouri Library Association Past President Otter Bowman. Nine association leaders representing five organizations attended the event. They discussed various topics such as growing future association leaders, passing along institutional knowledge, and dealing with burnout at the association board level.
Call for proposals now open for NISO Plus 2024 Global/Online
What are the top priorities and concerns facing your organization? What are the biggest opportunities or risks, and how should the information community address them?
Apply by June 6 for an Amigos Sponsored Scholarship to the 2024 NWILL Conference!
This year, Amigos is pleased to again sponsor registration fees for staff from Amigos member libraries to attend the annual Northwest Interlibrary Loan (NWILL) & Resource Sharing Conference.
Apply by June 13 for an Amigos Sponsored Scholarship to the 2024 NWILL Conference!
This year, Amigos is pleased to again sponsor registration fees for staff from Amigos member libraries to attend the annual Northwest Interlibrary Loan (NWILL) & Resource Sharing Conference.
Amigos Board Announces Election Results, Selects Officers for 2024 – 2025
Missed “Leading. Partnering. Connecting. The Amigos Member Conference 2024”? Register for the recording!
If you missed the May 15, 2024, online conference, "Creative Solutions in Cataloging, Acquisitions, and Resources Management", there's still a chance to view the sessions by registering for the recording.
Pressbooks is Now an Amigos Discount Direct Vendor Partner!
Pressbooks is a versatile, user-friendly publishing platform educators use to create, adapt, and share accessible, interactive, web-first books. Working with over 500 educational institutions, including colleges, universities, non-profit organizations, higher education systems, and consortia, Pressbooks partners with organizations to support institutional and library publishing programs, open education initiatives, curriculum development projects, and more.