Amigos Library Services understands that providing our membership with the most current and accurate news and information is a necessity in a constantly evolving industry. We are committed to providing this information to our members through numerous communication channels such as Amigos publications, newsletters, news feeds, and email correspondence.

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NISO Plus 2024 Global/Online is September 17-18

NISO Plus 2024 Global/Online is a virtual event, happening around the world on September 17-18, 2024. Building on their track record of engagement and conversation, NISO is bringing the same quality of content to this year's event.

Why Hyku? Why a Repository Solution?

Over the past year, Amigos has been diligently working on a new service for libraries, a repository solution that uses Hyku.

Throughout the past decade, Amigos has been working in the open-source space as member libraries have sought easier ways to host digital files, assets, and objects in ways that are open and available to their users.

Learn core “Grant Writing Essentials” in August 22 course

The library has its idea for a project or service – and even has a funder in mind. But the writing, tracking, and aligning (to the funder’s priorities) can be daunting tasks. Get started on the right path with guidance for designing the plan with successful management built in from the start.

Eileen Condon and Cynthia Shetter Appointed to Amigos Library Services Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of Amigos Library Services (Amigos) has appointed Eileen Condon, Dean of University Libraries & Editor of Webster University Press, Webster University (Missouri), and Cynthia Shetter, Director, Los Lunas Public Library/Museum of Heritage & Arts (New Mexico), to serve as members of the Board. Condon will complete the term vacated by Barbara Glackin, Dean, Kent Library, Southeast Missouri State University, and Shetter will complete the term vacated by Larry White, Executive Director, Metropolitan Library System (Oklahoma).