Metadata topic of courses

RDA for Video Recordings

Library collections contain many types of video formats, from Blu-Ray discs to streaming videos. Using the Resource Description and Access (RDA) instructions relevant to cataloging tangible and digital video recordings, gain proficiency with descriptive elements, choice of preferred source of information, access points, and relationship elements for video content.

Metadata Principles and Practices: Metadata Customization, Exchange, Transformation and Migration

This third course in the Metadata Principles and Practices Series covers the processes by which institutions customize existing metadata standards, exchange and harvest metadata, transform metadata from one standard to another and migrate metadata to a newer standard. Topics to be covered include: metadata quality factors, application profiles, the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting, metadata crosswalks and stylesheets.

* This course is eligible for micro-credentialing (optional) - What is micro-credentialing?

Metadata Principles and Practices: Metadata Standards and Types

In this second course in the series "Metadata Principles and Practices," students will discover how metadata standards are created and explore several standards commonly in use today. Topics include: XML DTDs and schemas; types and examples of metadata currently in use today. This course should be taken after "Metadata Basics," but can be taken without the other two workshops in the series.

* This course is eligible for Micro-Credentialing (optional) - What is Micro-Credentialing?

Metadata Principles and Practices: Metadata Basics

Do you catalog? Do you plan digital projects? Do you wish to better understand the role of metadata and how it works? This 2-hour course will cover the basics of metadata. Topics include: defining metadata; outlining the purposes and functions of metadata; list the components of a metadata infrastructure and keys to successfully launching a new metadata standard; understand how well formed XML provides a framework for expressing metadata in an online environment.

Cataloging with RDA

Effectively cataloging with RDA brings together specific skills and knowledge - the intricate landscape of the IFLA Library Reference Model, the complexities of RDA entities and elements, and the craft of articulating relationships between resources and entities. This introduction will highlight invaluable features of the RDA Toolkit and review some of the latest developments in the structure. Gain a solid foundation in RDA and become fully prepared to integrate the RDA Toolkit into your technical work.

Cataloging & Classification Basics

From MARC bibliographic, and classification and categorization schemas, to basic copy cataloging, and other areas essential to the cataloging department, this course offers an in-depth training in cataloging and classification. It prepares participants to begin copy cataloging by demonstrating how to interpret bibliographic records and match to items in hand. Topics include terminology, resources, and workflow. Hands-on exercises (at least one per day) provide practice using new skills. Examples and exercises will be based on OCLC-MARC, and accessed through the Connexion cataloging interface.