Welcome New Amigos Employees: Alex and Jacob
Amigos recently welcomed two new employees. Alex Womack has been hired for the position of Client Coordinator, Association Management Services (AMS). Jacob San Antonio is working as Amigos Customer Support Specialist, Member Discount Services and Trans-Amigos Express.
Apply by July 24 for an Amigos sponsored scholarship to 2023 NWILL Conference!
The 22nd Annual Northwest Interlibrary Loan and Resource Sharing Conference will be held virtually, September 20-22, 2023. The 2023 Keynote Speaker is Shannon Pritting, Director of Library Services, Open, and Digital Learning Assets at Empire State University; the keynote topic is Boundaries, Nostalgia, and Collaboration: Resource Sharing as a Framework.
DOAJ at 20 Webinar Recording and Virtual Grab Bag Available
The "DOAJ at 20" webinar, the first of three events celebrating 20 years of DOAJ took place June 25. The recording is available on their YouTube and inside the DOAJ at 20 Swag Bag, featuring subtitles in English with subtitles in French and Spanish soon to come.