Keynote Speaker: Peter Bae - Princeton University - sbae@princeton.edu
Session Time: 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. CST
Session Title: Opening Keynote: Resource Sharing Beyond the Pandemic
Session Description: TBD
Speaker Bio: Peter Bae is Assistant University Librarian for Scholarly Collection Services at Princeton University and the 2017 Virginia Boucher-OCLC Distinguished ILL Librarian Award recipient.

Speaker: Peter Collins - OCLC - collinsp@oclc.org
Session Time: 11:15 - 12:00 p.m. CST
Session Title: Platform Update: Effortless workflows, faster delivery: An update on OCLC ILL services
Session Description: Join us as we share our plans that are in motion for creating an impactful end-user experience in line with our "Library on-demand" vision and to optimize delivery to meet both library and user preferences with smart fulfillment. You'll hear about OCLC's commitment to innovating quickly to provide resource sharing services that exceed users’ expectations while leveraging the power of OCLC resource sharing network - the largest in the world.
Speaker Bio: Peter Collins is OCLC's director of resource sharing. Peter has a long history in interlibrary loan as well as platform development and support for unmediated borrowing services at Ivy Plus libraries and PALCI. Most recently, he was the director of public services at the University of Pennsylvania. He also is the chair of the IFLA Document Delivery and Resource Sharing Standing Committee which is focused on international ILL solutions.

Speaker: Perry Collins - University of Florida - perrycollins@ufl.edu
Speaker: Xuan (Lily) Pang - University of Florida - xpang@ufl.edu
Session Time: 11:15 - 12:00 p.m. CDT
Keynote Session Title: CDL (Controlled Digital Lending)...How we did it...and how you can too!
Session Description: The sudden global pandemic outbreak in early spring 2020 challenged academic libraries to provide access to print collections and in many cases prevented staff from providing the types of essential services that our users expected and required. With campuses fully closed and all courses moved online within a week, library staff found ourselves on the front lines of finding ways to continue providing patron access to library physical collections. This presentation will share our story of initiating a Controlled Digital Lending program to support online teaching and learning, and how we have enhanced e-reserves services to continue providing affordable course materials to our students during and after the pandemic. We will offer an overview of the solutions we have developed, including both policy and implementation, and how we plan to sustain this work into the future.
Speaker Bio: Perry Collins is the copyright and open educational resources librarian at the University of Florida (UF), where she works with students and educators on campus and beyond to navigate copyright dilemmas and promote affordable access to learning materials. Before coming to UF, Perry was a program officer at the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Speaker Bio: Xuan (Lily) Pang is the associate university librarian, chair of Access and Resource Sharing Department at George A. Smathers libraries at University of Florida. Her role is to support the teaching and research goals of University of Florida faculty, students, and staff, by facilitating access to resources in circulating collections, and through interlibrary loan and document delivery services, print and electronic course reserves, and consortia resource sharing partnerships. She has over 10 years of professional experience in academic libraries’ resource sharing field and she is the Principal Investigator for several grants. Currently, Xuan (Lily) is the co-chair of Florida Academic Library Services Cooperative (FLVC) Resource Sharing Standing Committee. FLVC is one of the largest library consortiums in the United States.

Speaker: John Eye - University of Southern Mississippi - john.eye@usm.edu
Session Time: 11:15 - 12:00 p.m. CST
Session Title: Future Considerations with Copyright and Resource Sharing
Session Description: Copyright law has a significant impact on resource sharing and a good understanding of the legal framework that supports library borrowing and lending is helpful to make informed decisions. Looking forward, there are opportunities for libraries to improve how they navigate the legal pathways to better serve their users. By considering new approaches in how copyright law is applied, libraries can design better ways to do their work.
Speaker Bio: John Eye is Dean of University Libraries and Professor of Library Science at the University of Southern Mississippi. Originally from Minnesota, he worked as a school library media specialist and technology coordinator for 10 years before going to Southern Utah University in 2001 to serve as the Web Librarian and later the Dean of the Library. John holds a Doctor of Education and an Education Specialist degree from The University of South Dakota, Master of Library and Information Science degree from Wayne State University, and a master's and bachelor's degree from St. Cloud State University.

Speaker: Andrea Buntz Neiman - Equinox Open Library Initiative - abneiman@equinoxoli.org
Speaker: Rogan Hamby - Equinox Open Library Initiative - rogan.hamby@equinoxoli.org
Session Time: 1:00 - 1:45 p.m. CST
Session Title: Platform Update: A Tiny Library with a Million Volumes: the Open Source Future of Resource Sharing with Equinox Open Library Initiative
Session Description: Open source technology and libraries are a natural fit: both thrive on engaged communities, information sharing, and publicly-available resources. With open source software, libraries are active participants in an open software community and benefit from the advantages of lower costs and fewer limitations compared to proprietary software. Open source software is well established as a cost-effective and feature-rich alternative for libraries, and the future is now for open source resource sharing. Equinox Open Library Initiative, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded by the original developers of Evergreen ILS, is a trusted provider of open source technologies for libraries Equinox now offers Fulfillment Interlibrary Loan to libraries interested in an affordable, user-friendly resource sharing platform. Come learn about Equinox's mission as a nonprofit and about how open source can make a difference for your library.
Speaker Bio: Andrea Buntz Neiman is the project manager for Software Development at Equinox Open Library Initiative. She coordinates contract software development for Evergreen ILS, Koha ILS, Fulfillment Interlibrary Loan, and other open-source library products. She started her career at the Library of Congress and then spent eleven years in public libraries, working everywhere from circulation to cataloging to systems, before joining Equinox in 2016.
Speaker Bio: Rogan Hamby has worked in libraries since the mid-1990s, with stints in academic, public, and government libraries. Since completing his MLIS, he has worn many hats from branch manager to helping start a statewide resource sharing consortium. In his role as Data and Project Analyst at Equinox, he wears a lot of hats including participating in the development and support of Fulfillment.

Speaker: Michael Rodriguez - University of Connecticut - michael.a.rodriguez@uconn.edu
Speaker: Erika McNeil - University of Connecticut - erika.mcneil@uconn.edu
Speaker: Stan Hurzarewicz - University of Connecticut - stan.huzarewicz@uconn.edu
Session Time: 1:00 - 1:45 p.m. CST
Session Title: Licensed to Loan: Interlibrary Lending of Whole Ebooks
Session Description: Whole ebook lending through interlibrary loan has historically been largely off-limits due to licensing restrictions, preventing libraries from sharing them through normal ILL processes. In 2018, the University of Connecticut (UConn) Library rolled out an innovative model for whole ebook lending—a model that eschews digital rights management (DRM) and other user restrictions and delivers whole ebooks through the same time - tested ILL workflows that articles and book chapters pass through. This model served us well during the pandemic, allowing us to fill requests for books that otherwise we would have been unable to provide. We negotiated with a dozen mainstream publishers to allow DRM-free lending of whole ebooks, and we optimized the use of standard ILL systems such as ILLiad and Odyssey and their associated workflows to deliver whole ebooks efficiently and securely to patrons. Unlike Occam's Reader and other tools that libraries have pioneered but never quite scaled, our model does not force us to create new policies or processes and does not hamper patrons with frustratingly locked-down content.
In this session, three UConn Library staff will share our methods for negotiating better license terms from vendors, give examples of license terms that we negotiated to permit whole ebook ILL, walk through the technicalities of the workflow, and visualize our ebook ILL data over time. Attendees will come away from this presentation with a clear sense of how to negotiate with vendors and launch DRM-free interlibrary lending of whole ebooks at their own libraries.
Speaker Bio: Collections Strategist at the University of Connecticut, Michael Rodriguez (he/him), coordinates collection development and strategic initiatives for the Library's collections. He earned his Master of Science in library and information studies from Florida State University and his dual Bachelor of Arts in history and English from Florida Gulf Coast University. He has served as president of the Association of College and Research Libraries' New England Chapter (ACRL/NEC) and received NASIG's Horizon Award and Library Journal's Reviewer of the Year Award.
Speaker Bio: Erika McNeil has a Bachelor of Arts from Wheaton College in Norton, Massachusetts, a Master of Arts in English Literature from Boston College, and a Master of Library Sciences from Southern Connecticut State University, with a concentration in academic libraries. She has worked at MIT and the Ohio State University Libraries and is now head of interlibrary services at the University of Connecticut.
Speaker Bio: Stan joined the University of Connecticut Libraries in 2010, and currently oversees the Lending and Scan on Demand services. He received a Bachelor of Arts in English literature from San Francisco State University, and MSIS from the University at Albany.

Speaker: Lars Leon - University of Kansas Libraries - lleon@ku.edu
Speaker: Tom Bruno - University of Pennsylvania Libraries - TomBruno@upenn.edu
Session Time: 1:00 - 1:45 p.m. CST
Session Title: Is the Future of ILL One of Widely Sharing or Only Within our Walled Gardens?
Session Description: As more resource sharing systems come online will we be able to efficiently do ILL between us? How might Controlled Digital Lending impact our ability to share widely? We have hosted three broader discussions on issues impacting our ability to share in the future. This session focuses on two areas of strong interest. We will share what we've learned to date, and seek ideas from attendees. We will spend considerable time discussing actions individuals, groups, and the community can do to continue being able to share as much as we have traditionally been able to.
Speaker Bio: Lars Leon is Resource Sharing Librarian at the University of Kansas Libraries. He has a variety of research interests but is currently focused on gazing into the future with colleagues - including data where possible - on what the future of resource sharing will look like and what we can do to influence the direction. He has presented at conferences in the US and abroad.
Speaker Bio: Tom Bruno is the Director of Access Services at the University of Pennsylvania Libraries. He has previously worked in resource sharing at Harvard, Yale, and NYU. Tom has been an active member of the Rethinking Resource Sharing Initiative and served as 2015-2016 chair of ALA RUSA STARS. When he's not thinking about ILL and all things access services, Tom occasionally puts on his wizard's hat and runs the Dungeons & Dragons programming at his local public library.

Speaker: Mike Richins - Ex Libris - mike.richins@exlibrisgroup.com
Speaker: Judith Fraenkel - Ex Libris - judith.fraenkel@exlibrisgroup.com
Session Time: 2:00 - 2:45 p.m. CST
Session Title: Platform Update: Rapido - Exploring New Technologies and Approaches to Accessing Collections Near and Far
Session Description: The future is now! This session will provide an overview of new and developing areas of resource sharing including next-generation interlibrary loan platforms, controlled digital lending, growth of the international ILL community, and enhanced services for users. The pandemic has brought these topics to the forefront of library investigation and discussion as we adapt to shifting expectations and needs. The session will describe how the new resource sharing platform, Rapido, provides solutions to these new and exciting directions.
Speaker Bio: Mike Richins is Director of Product Management for RapidILL, and has 20 years of experience in resource sharing. Beginning his career in the Interlibrary Loan department at Colorado State University Libraries, he joined the RapidILL team in 2010 and moved to Ex Libris in 2019. Contributing to both RapidILL and Rapido, he works with libraries around the world to improve and enhance their resource sharing activities.
Speaker Bio: Judith Fraenkel is Director of Product Management at Ex Libris focusing on resource sharing solutions. Since joining the company in 1999, Judith has filled various positions in the areas of technology, content management, and customer support. A key focus of her current role is dedicated to leading strategy and programs that enhance the Diversity, Inclusion and Equity commitment of Ex Libris.

Speaker: Travis Goode - University of Texas at Dallas - travis.goode@utdallas.edu
Session Time: 2:00 - 2:45 p.m. CST
Session Title: Providing Accessible Formats of Library Materials Through ILL and Document Delivery
Session Description: As authorized entities, Amigos libraries have the right to reproduce or distribute copyrighted materials in accessible formats for eligible patrons. This presentation will go into detail on US Copyright law as it pertains to providing accessible access of library materials and provide specifics on how to expand or build upon accessibility services within your library. Further, we will discuss accessible formatting, trends in interlibrary loan, limitations, and best practices to help inform library staff on providing services to students in need.
Speaker Bio: Travis is a Senior Librarian at the University of Texas at Dallas where he manages the interlibrary loan department, provides reference services, and serves as the copyright specialist to students and faculty. He has worked in academic libraries for the past 15 years and very much enjoys problem-solving and looking for ways to improve procedures, workflows, programs and services.

Speaker: Rose Nelson - Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries - rose@coalliance.org
Speaker: Katy Divittorio - University of Colorado Denver - katy.divittorio@ucdenver.edu
Speaker: Philip Gaddis - University of Colorado Denver - philip.gaddis@ucdenver.edu
Session Time: 2:00 - 2:45 p.m. CST
Session Title: Shared Streaming Video-the Future of Resource Sharing (SILLVR)
Session Description: Streaming Interlibrary Loan Video Resources is an innovative initiative allowing libraries to ILL streaming videos for the first time. By leveraging relationships with local consortia (Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries) and building partnerships with streaming video vendors, the Streaming Interlibrary Loan Video Resources (SILLVR) pilot launched in January 2020. This launch started just as the world saw the need for increased access to electronic resources as physical libraries and print materials were inaccessible for most. SILLVR demonstrates how vendors and libraries can work together to increase access to underfunded libraries and meet the needs of patrons. The SILLVR pilot continues in 2021 continuing to build on partnerships and build new ones.
Speaker Bio: Rose has worked at the Alliance since 2005. She started out as a Systems Librarian and was appointed Assistant Director in 2012. Rose manages Prospector and coordinates the Document Delivery and Catalog Reference meetings. She also is Project Manager of Gold Rush. Contact her regarding questions about Prospector or Gold Rush. Rose received her MLIS from Emporia State University.
Speaker Bio: Katy (she/her/hers) serves as the Collections Strategies Department Head at the Auraria Library in Denver, CO. In this role she provides leadership to the department which acquires, licenses, and purchases learning materials, manages the physical library stacks, oversees interlibrary loan, and performs collections assessment.
Speaker Bio: Philip (he/him) is the Acquisitions and Interlibrary Loan Manager for Auraria Library. Philip oversees all aspects of ILL and handles direct subscriptions for electronic resources for the library.

Speaker: Jill Morris - Partnership for Academic Library Collaboration and Innovation (PALCI) - jill@palci.org
Speaker: Maureen O'Brien Dermott - Dickinson College - dermottm@dickinson.edu
Session Time: 3:00 - 3:45 p.m. CST
Session Title: Platform Update: Next Generation Consortial Sharing : The ReShare Platform in Action
Session Description: Speakers will provide an update on the development and launch of the world's first open source consortial borrowing platform, ReShare Returnables, which is designed to meet the challenges faced by 21st century libraries. Speakers Jill Morris (PALCI Executive Director) and Maureen O'Brien Dermott (Associate Director of Access and Building Services, Dickinson College and EZBorrow user) will share news from the project's steering committee and perspectives as one of the first consortial implementers of the software.
Speaker Bio: Jill Morris is the Executive Director of PALCI, the Partnership for Academic Library Collaboration & Innovation, a regional nonprofit library consortium made up of 74 academic and research libraries in Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, and West Virginia. Since 2009 Jill has enjoyed playing leadership roles in large library consortia where her primary responsibilities have centered around organizational leadership, collaborative collections, and eResource licensing and negotiations. Jill became PALCI's Executive Director in January 2019, after previously serving as the organization's Senior Program Officer and Associate Director. Prior to her time at PALCI, Jill was the Assistant Director and Interim Executive Director of the statewide NC LIVE consortium, supporting 200 public and academic libraries in North Carolina. Jill received her MSLS from UNC Chapel Hill and holds a BA in History and Adolescent Education from SUNY Geneseo.

Speaker: Susan Garrison - Rice University - susan.garrison@rice.edu
Speaker: Heidi Vieira - Rice University - hjv1@rice.edu
Session Time: 3:00 - 3:45 p.m. CST
Session Title: CDL (Controlled Digital Lending)...How we did it...and how you can too!
Session Description: As Covid shifted the library world to delivering library materials in a more contact-free way, our library attended numerous webinars in 2020 and 2021 regarding controlled digital lending (CDL). The concept sounded wonderful - greater sharing of resources by creating digital versions of materials we already owned. Yet the lending processes sounded complicated. From creating home grown software platforms to locking up books, we really weren't sure we could do this. Fast forward to August 2021, where our library services platform, (Alma/Ex Libris) rolled out some key changes that allowed us to consider and dip our toes in the water of CDL. Testing and piloting the process with Course Reserves for Fall 2021 has proved to be both challenging and rewarding.
Speaker Bio: As the Access Services Manager at Rice University's Fondren Library, Sue manages the day-to-day operations of circulation, stacks maintenance, interlibrary loan, course reserves and front desk security within the access services department. Sue provides leadership, ongoing support and training of staff in promoting a culture of teamwork with an emphasis on ensuring quality service for patrons. She participates in the development, recommendation and administration of division policies, procedures and processes. Additionally, Sue collaborates with other library departments, the Rice community, external patrons, supervises and mentors, a team of three access services supervisors, and a full team of 21 members. Prior to joining Rice, she served in several research roles at Factiva, a division of Dow Jones & Co., and has held librarian positions in engineering, medical, public and school libraries. Sue holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in communications from Rutgers University, a Master of Library Science degree from Rutgers University, and a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Houston-Downtown.
Speaker Bio: Heidi is the Circulation and Course Reserves Supervisor at Fondren Library, Rice University. She supervises seven full and part-time staff as well as 13 student assistants. In this position she is responsible to coordinate the daily activities of the circulation staff which includes staffing the circulation desk, assisting with patron inquiries, reserving Fondren’s 40 + study rooms, processing course reserves requests, handling library billing, planning student events, and coordinating with other library departments to provide excellent service to the Rice University community.
Heidi taught piano and general music for over 25 years and continues to take on the occasional piano student or accompanying gig. A 5-year period working in a funeral home provided an interesting career diversion for her, but for the last 9 years she has worked in academic libraries - first in interlibrary loan and then in circulation.
Heidi has a Bachelor of Music degree in music education from Calvary University, Kansas City and a Master of Library Science from the University of North Texas.

Speaker: Katherine DeVet - Texas Tech University - k.e.devet@ttu.edu
Session Time: 3:00 - 3:45 p.m. CST
Session Title: Out of Quarantine: Adapting Workflow and Community Needs pre- and post-COVID
Session Description: Navigating the lifting of pandemic restrictions, we have found ourselves reevaluating workflows that shifted to meet changing community needs. After losing one box of books too many, Shipment Tracking through OBILLSK has transformed the way the Texas Tech University Libraries keep track of distance services and resource sharing - especially as the process of shipping large quantities of returns began in the summer of 2020. Embedded in all parts of the shipping workflow, OBILLSK allows TTU Libraries to track where items are from packaging to delivery to their arrival at their destination for patron use. At the same time, as phased reopening began, we found an increasing need for patron access to physical resources while reducing foot traffic within the building. This presentation will discuss office flexibility to accommodate new ideas, how staff & student workflows have been augmented, and continued assessment to determine the longevity of these workflows.
Speaker Bio: Katherine E. [Katie] DeVet, Ph.D., is the Section Supervisor for Document Delivery in the Texas Tech University Libraries. Holding a Ph.D. in fine arts from Texas Tech University, Katie uses her diverse experiences to help colleagues and scholars in all disciplines find the resources they need for their research and use the technology available to assist with interdisciplinary collaboration across the world. Within the department, she works to guide Document Delivery, SHAPES, and Course Reserves staff and student assistants to give excellent service to all patrons, both at Texas Tech and abroad.