Missed “Leading. Partnering. Connecting. The Amigos Member Conference 2024”? Register for the recording!

If you missed the May 15, 2024, online conference, "Creative Solutions in Cataloging, Acquisitions, and Resources Management", there's still a chance to view the sessions by registering for the recording. Beginning with the opening keynote "Empowering Libraries: Strategies for Talent Development, Collection Enhancement, and Community Engagement" from Roosevelt Weeks, Director of Libraries at Austin Public Library, the LexisNexis sponsored conference also included the Annual Member Business Meeting and several concurrent sessions on a variety of topics.

This conference along with all Amigos online topical conferences, Know & Go sessions, Community Conversations, and NISO member webinars are free to Amigos members.

Please note that all attendees registered for the live event automatically gain access to the recorded sessions through the conference portal. The portal is the same page used to join the live conference.
