Discounts Available on Duke University Press Products

Amigos members can receive discounts on e-Duke Books, e-Duke Journals, and Euclid Prime mathematical journals through our partnership with Duke University Press. Duke University Press publishes approximately 120 books and over 40 journals annually in primarily social sciences, humanities, and mathematics. Duke University Press products feature:

  • HighWire Press platform for e-Duke journals and e-Duke Books
  • COUNTER-compliant usage statistics
  • Deeply discounted print add-on options
  • Redesigned website with enhanced functionality, MathJAX display engine for clearly rendered formulas, and full-text searching on Euclid Prime

Current e-Duke journal subscriptions are also renewable through Amigos. For more information or a free trial, contact Liz Wardlaw, or 800-843-8482, ext. 2802.