Credo Reference MARC records now available on WorldCat

Credo Reference, one of Amigos’ vendor partners, is now making their MARC records available through WorldCat as part of the Vendor Record Contribution Program.

When a record for a title from Credo Reference (OCLC symbol CREDO) is added or matched to WorldCat, a 938 field is added to the MARC record that contains the vendor code CRED. This code is indexed; vendor records are searchable in Connexion using the vendor index (Vendor (vn:) in the dropdown menu). Some examples of the records added to WorldCat from Credo Reference are OCLC numbers: #436848185, #437303088. Some examples of records matched in WorldCat are OCLC numbers: #428818194, #246969140

The Credo Reference collection includes over three million entries from hundreds of well-regarded titles from over 70 of the world's best reference publishers. It is intelligently integrated with millions of cross-references and contains a wide range of subject-specific titles covering everything from art to accountancy, science to Shakespeare and law to literature plus dictionaries, bilingual dictionaries, thesauri, encyclopedias, quotations and atlases.

For more information about Credo Reference, go to

For a list of all partners contributing records through the Vendor Record Contribution Program, see:
