Applying for an NEH PAG: March 11 Know & Go Session

Each spring the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) offers grants to libraries and museums to support preservation of their collections. The Preservation Assistance Grant (PAG) provides up to $6,000 and can be used for site surveys, preservation training, emergency preparedness training, digital preservation training, and preservation supplies. May 1, 2013 is the deadline to apply for a grant that can provide 2014 funds for your preservation programs.

Learn all the details from Gina Minks, Manager of the Imaging & Preservation Service (IPS) at Amigos, at the one-hour Know and Go session Applying For a NEH PAG, Monday, March 11, 1:30 p.m. CDT. Gina will also explain how Amigos provides free assistance to institutions applying for this grant. Click on the link above to register online.

For more information about this session or the grants, contact Gina at 800-843-8482, ext. 2825 or, or Elizabeth Klein, IPS Program Coordinator at 800-843-8482, ext. 2844 or