RapidILL Special 50% Discount for Amigos Members

Amigos Members qualify for a special 50% discount on the RapidILL implementation fee through December 1, 2021 for new activation's. This innovative and unique resource sharing platform is simple to learn and integrates easily into existing library workflows.

RapidILL has 4 features that set it apart from other resource sharing systems.

  • The software that runs the Rapid system was designed specifically for resource sharing. Among its many features are automatic processing, routing and load leveling.
  • The holdings database is tailored to resource sharing needs. The database matches requests down to the year level.
  • Every RapidILL library signs a contract that includes peer to peer service commitments. Service performance is closely monitored by Rapid staff.
  • The innovative RapidX feature for sharing articles.

Additional details are included in the brochure and short video links.

View video: https://youtu.be/Q07BuprCrvs

View brochure: https://www.amigos.org/sites/default/files/rapidill_amigos.pdf

Contact Bea Ramirez now to receive a quote including the special Amigos Member Discount!