Look for Docuseek2’s Spring Special

Looking to enhance your streaming collection with award-winning films from around the world? Amigos Library Services members can take advantage of Docuseek2's 2017 Spring Special saving 15% on all new orders!

Orders may be in the form of multiple single-title licenses or tokens of one year or more, or any of Docuseek2’s collection offers. Need to encumber end of year money? Tokens are a great way to buy now at Spring Special prices, and select titles later.

Docuseek2 streams over 900 essential social-issue and environmental documentaries to colleges and universities, providing exclusive access to content from Bullfrog Films, Icarus Films (including The Fanlight Collection and dGenerate Films), the National Film Board of Canada, KimStim, MediaStorm, Kartemquin Films and Scorpion TV.

This special begins March 1 and goes through June 30. For more information or to request a quote, contact Megan Bryant at bryant@amigos.org, or 800-843-8482, ext. 2896.