AmigosNow Articles

Join us This Month for Two TAE Refresher Classes

TAE will host two online sessions this month. The first session will cover creating and using courier labels for TAE libraries and our connecting partners MALA, KLE, and MOBIUS. The second session will cover reimbursement guidelines for damaged or lost items. Please join us if you need a refresher course in TAE or if you are a new staff member learning to use the TAE service.

Jane Nearing from Richardson (TX) Public Library is Our First TAE/TExpress Success Story Contest Winner! Send us Yours!

Thanks to Jane Nearing from the Richardson Public Library (113/DAL) for sharing her TAE success story. As the winner of this quarter's success story contest, Jane will receive a $25 Amazon gift card.

Take the Upcoming TAE Survey on Connecting Partners

We need your feedback! We will conduct a survey beginning next week of participating TAE libraries regarding our connecting partners Mid-America Library Alliance (MALA), Kansas Library Express (KLE), and MOBIUS. This survey is brief and easy to complete. We will post additional details about the survey soon and will let you know when a link to the survey is available.
