Rock’s Backpages Offers Music Journalism Archive

Why not join this long list of subscribers and explore our newest vendor partner, Rock's Backpages? This archive of music journalism by some of the finest music writers of the last 50 years offers libraries:

  • A digital archive of over 20,000 articles (reviews, interviews, features and more) from the early 1960s to the present day featuring over two thousand artists ranging from 500-word album (or concert) reviews to 10,000-word interviews and features.
  • 300+ exclusive, and previously unpublished, audio interviews with major icons from Jimi Hendrix to Kurt Cobain.
  • Coverage of all types of popular music from the 1960s to the present: from rockabilly to hip hop, Elvis Presley to Eminem,

    the White Stripes to Amy Winehouse.

  • Regular content updates with the addition of between 30 and 50 new articles per week, plus a new audio interview.

Over the last decade, Rock's Backpages has provided invaluable research tool for students, journalists, filmmakers and fans alike. For trial information contact Chris Burke at